Peace Rally March 15, 2003
Washington, DC

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All Photos by Loree Macdonald (captions by Jim)
Read Jim's thoughts on the event:
Narrative: "Renaissance Man (Are you Ready?)"
If you want to send comments on the pictures or narrative, please email  To read all previous narratives and photos, including the marches in Washington in October 2002 and January 2003 and the rally in New York in February 2003, please visit The Peace Narrative and Picture Page

Here I am on East Capitol Street in my costume and a sign that reads "The Peace Renaissance Begins With Us"

Here is Jamila on the subway with her pink boa.  She attracted a lot of attention.  Jamila and I were interviewed a couple times by German radio and an independent filmmaker

Flying in the sky by the Washington Monument, a kite simply says "Peace"

From the Washington Monument facing the White House and playing on my Renaissance theme of rebirth, my sign says, "Let the Spirit of Peace be Reborn"

A very funny sign shows Bush and Blair kissing.  It says "Make Love Not War"

"Stop the Crusader's War"

Proof that it's not simply leftwingers against the war.  It reads, "Republicans for Peace"

I think Gandhi might have smiled on the calm of this day

A message to Bush, "STOP Ignoring this Focus Group"

A sign close to Loree's heart, "Save the Soil Not the Oil"

Here I am by the Washington Monument in a classic shot.  I would estimate 75,000 people were there with us

A shot of the large crowd on a beautiful, sunny, and temperate day.  I got sunburn

As you can see for yourself, the emperor has no clothes

"Stop Mad Cowboy Disease"  Later, Loree would find a pin that said the same thing

This sign has a lot going on

We sat on a small hill and watched the crowd, and they watched us.  At this point, we were away from the large mass of people

This sign is self-evidently true

"Ever See How Brave Bullies Are When Someone Else Is Doing Their Fighting For Them?  (Where Were You In 'Nam George?)"

"Is This Your Way of Making Me Feel Safer -- Please Stop!!  Wage Peace"

In the backdrop is the Capitol.  It reads, "America Strong Enough for Peace"

"Fascist Fries", which is a reference not only to the "french fries" flap but also to McDonald's and popular American culture

"The Wealthiest nation on Earth should not have to kill in order to feel safe, bully in order to get its way, or destroy in order to effect change"

"We are all P. O. Dubyas"  Later, we would see this sign stories up in a hotel overlooking the parade route

"War is Peace.  Freedom is Slavery.  Ignorance is Strength.  George Orwell, or George Bush?

"Butt out of Iraq!"

Here is a large balloon against the war in Iraq that many local DC activists were carrying

Loree didn't know that this is someone I know named Phil, and I was happy to see his picture among those that she took.  Repeatedly, I saw people I knew along the parade route

"Thank You France, China, Germany & Russia!"  Countless signs thanked these countries, especially France.  In fact, many of the signs were in French

In front of the Department of Justice, fittingly, a sign reads, "Impeach Bush?  Is this Worse than Oral Sex?"

Here were about 50 pro-war demonstrators (freepers).  It looks like yet another "fifty freeper fart"

On 15th Street, we found the front of the parade and got swept up into it

"If You Can Read This You're Not The Prez"

Here is a typical freeper sign.  There were more cops then counter-demonstrators.  We shouted to them, "Send them home! Send them home!"  I shouted, "We love you!"

Between our 75,000 marchers and the freeper 50, police on horseback lined between us.  I shared kind words with one of the horses

"He's tanned, relaxed, and ready.  Jimmy Carter in '04!"  We actually saw more than one sign saying this

Here is Jamila with some friends of hers.  The clever signs read, "Why are we defying the UN to punish Iraq for defying the UN?" and "There's no future in war"

"Block Bush!"  For some reason, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this sign.  Thank you Loree for the wonderful pictures!

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