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The story behind the photo: The full eruption of Old Faithful here in this photograph is the last in the series of jpg's used in the animated GIF on the front of the home page and was taken on my first full day in Yellowstone in 1993.  Since that first viewing, I have seen Old Faithful erupt numerous times from numerous vantages, whether it be from the balcony of the Old Faithful Inn or from the other side of the geyser or from Upper Geyser Basin or from the top of a small trail overlooking the geyser from above.  I have seen it in the dark with nearly nobody around.  I have seen it first thing in the morning as the fog forms an indistinguishable soup with the steam from the geysers.  I wish I could see it in Winter.  In any event, I long to see it again not in silence but in the vibrant noise, the smell, the tapestry of its life.  I want to love it in its mad moment, all too brief and to sing its song yet once again.
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